Articles & Resources

  • 35 years of Training Mediators
    Divorce Mediation Training Associates began training mediators in 1989 with John Fiske, Diane Neuman and Phil Woodbury. Since that time DMTA has trained over 950 mediators and continues today under the supervision of Ellen Waldorf and … Read more
  • Clients as Experts
    by Suellen Walsh As a new mediator I am fascinated with many topics of mediation. Power imbalances and how a mediator identifies power differentials and addresses them effectively is of particular interest. One power imbalance I’ve … Read more
  • Top 5 Reasons to get Trained in Mediation
    by Justin L. Kelsey republished with permission from Skylark blog Mediation is a process for resolving disputes with an impartial facilitator. The mediator helps open and improve dialogue between two or more individuals in hopes of finding … Read more
  • Replace your cancelled Court Hearing with a Mediation
    by Justin L. Kelsey republished with permission from Skylark blog If you have a court hearing scheduled in the next few weeks, most likely you’ve been told it’s postponed.  While some hearings will be scheduled telephonically and … Read more
  • Are Mediators in Massachusetts Certified?
    by Justin L. Kelsey republished with permission from Skylark blog I get this question from lawyers a lot who are wondering if a particular training will “certify” them to be mediators. In fact, I just received an … Read more
  • You’re Thinking about Conflict All Wrong
    by Justin L. Kelsey republished with permission from Skylark blog Today is the third Thursday of October, which also happens to be Conflict Resolution Day.  While that may not seem as fun as International Pancake Day, Conflict Resolution … Read more
  • It’s time for less BUTs in mediation
    by Justin L. Kelsey republished with permission from Skylark blog Use “and” instead of “but”.  It’s a simple change that in conversation and writing can mean a world of difference.  That difference is inherent in how we hear and read … Read more
  • The Questions that Lawyers and Mediators aren’t asking but should: Let’s talk about Pronouns
    by Justin L. Kelsey republished with permission from Skylark blog I recently had the opportunity to train with two of the most prominent mediators in Massachusetts: John Fiske and Diane Neumann. Each time they run a training, … Read more
  • Wanted: Diverse Divorce Practitioners. Why Diversity is Good for All of Us
    by Valerie Qian republished with permission from Skylark blog Cultural competence and sensitivity to the needs of diverse clients are an essential part of being an effective and successful professional. My father-in-law recently underwent surgery to … Read more
  • Bargaining in the Light of the Law: The Case for Divorce
    by John Fiske, Esq. In “Bargaining in the Shadow of the Law: The Case of Divorce,” Robert H. Mnookin and Lewis Kornhauser. discussed many ways in which the law provides a framework for divorcing couples to … Read more
  • How Mediation Can Effectively Address the Male-Female Power Imbalance in Divorce
    by Diane Neumann “Women’s advocates,” writes Carol LefCourt (1984), “view the trend toward the use of mediation [in divorce] with justified skepticism and suspicion” (p.7A-40). Feminists have been the most vocal and persuasive group in stating … Read more
  • The Psychological Stages of Divorce
    by Diane Neumann Introduction:  Rarely is anyone prepared for the end of their marriage. This is almost as true for the spouse who initiates the divorce, as it is for the spouse who is being left. … Read more